We live in a culture that is rampant with superficial connection, technology, business, hookup dating apps, and small talk. These things often distract us from the sacredness of life itself; of surrendering to the beauty and perfection of each moment and what it has to offer us, internally and externally. From the time we are born into this culture, the cultural values begin to seep into our very being. Tantra is the process of recognizing the conditioning we have undergone, and restoring our nature to its natural, connected state.
You are invited to come explore the pathway to a deeper connection with yourself and everything around you. In "Sensual Embodiment: An Intro to Tantra", lead by Christi Hester and Pranay Ranjan, you will be guided into a world of expanded experiencing. You will be encouraged and supported on a magical journey, uniquely your own, throughout the evening.
Included in this event will be: embodiment practices, guided meditation, and communication exercises. A group experience has the potential to be very profound in the healing and growth it can create. Our hope is that you will leave revitalized and enriched, and will carry with you a deep sense of connectedness with yourself and others. Whether you are brand new to Tantra or have been practicing for years, this workshop will have something for everyone.
All genders and sexual orientations welcome. (*Myth Buster ~ Tantra is not just for straight folks!*) Come with a partner or single. ALL will have a place here.
$25-40 sliding scale. This workshop is limited to 12 participants. Please RSVP by emailing soulfedbodywork@gmail.com.